As the “The Work Happy Advocates”, we in MINDSMITH EXECUTIVES promote Sustainable practices in organizations by the incorporation of ESG in business operations and policies.

Incorporated in 2023, a group of passionate individuals from various fields of expertise, understanding the need to bridge the gap between Human Capital Development & Sustainable Development, congregated to initiate a movement.

As dedicated consultants, we embark on a journey to redefine ESG incorporation and human capital development. Our commitment lies in empowering industries through innovative practices and strategies. 


To Quantify, Qualify and to Certify industry and human capital in ESG incorporation.


Accrediting businesses to incorporate ESG policies, our mission in MINDSMITH EXECUTIVES, is to empower industries and human capital to ease integration of ESG practices seamlessly.

We drive “The Work Happy Advocates, fostering a future where sustainable practices are the cornerstone of business success.

Employees working happily within an ESG framework will be engaged in environmentally responsible practices, adopting a sustainable and eco-friendly workplace.

“The Work Happy Advocates” in the social context emphasizes a positive and inclusive work environment. Employees are satisfied knowing that their workplace values social responsibility and ethical treatment.

In the governance aspect, “The Work happy Advocates” would involve transparent and sustainable practices. Employees feel content when they experience that the organization is committed to ethical decision-making, accountability, and fair treatment.


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